Council Activity Archives - Cub Pack 110

This is an event that is sponsored by the Chester County Council and will include units from all over Chester County

With limited event attendance, we ask that you please only bring the minimum amount of adults needed for your group.

Council will provide lunch and dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday morning if you stay over. This is still a bring your own tent/gear event.

Council is planning to have the shooting sports ranges opened and lots of other stations/activities. New this year we are hoping to have a black light pinewood derby (for fun, not competition) so bring your own wooden car! You can buy the precut bodies at the craft store, or buy a kit from the council store and cut it yourself before you come to camp! During the day, one station will be for decorating them and in the evening we will run the cars! Don’t fear if you’ve never made a pinewood derby car, this is your chance to get a try before you make the real one for your pack and district races later in the year!

When registering, be sure to specify “Trapper” as your desired campsite.

This is an event that is sponsored by the Chester County Council and will include units from all over Chester County

With limited event attendance, we ask that you please only bring the minimum amount of adults needed for your group.

Saturday – Events include BMX, Water Bottle Rockets, Cooking Demonstration and Archery. While that is happing, all other scouts arrive at Camp Ware and setup their campsite. The afternoon is open to all scouts to enjoy activities such as a Nature Hike, Science Experiments, Escape Room, BMX, Archery, Slingshot, BBs, Spooky Sluice and a Whittling Activity.

Saturday Evening… Dinner is provided to all participants after a traditional flag lowering ceremony. After dinner there will be a campfire, also a movie being shown outdoors. Every scout can enjoy a night out camping under the stars Saturday Night!

When registering, be sure to specify “Trapper” as your desired campsite.

This is an event that is sponsored by the Chester County Council and will include units from all over Chester County

With limited event attendance, we ask that you please only bring the minimum amount of adults needed for your group.

Friday Night… is for the Webelos and AoL Scouts only. The Webelos and AOLs will have a chance to participate in numerous Glow Activities, they include Glow Sluice, Glow Mini-golf, Glow Fishing, Glow Slingshot.

Saturday Morning… continues the special activities for Webelos and AOLs. Events include BMX, Water Bottle Rockets, Cooking Demonstration and Archery. While that is happing, all other scouts arrive at Camp Ware and setup their campsite. The afternoon is open to all scouts to enjoy activities such as a Nature Hike, Science Experiments, Escape Room, BMX, Archery, Slingshot, BBs, Spooky Sluice and a Whittling Activity.

Saturday Evening… Dinner is provided to all participants after a traditional flag lowering ceremony. After dinner there will be a campfire, also a movie being shown outdoors. Every scout can enjoy a night out camping under the stars Saturday Night!

All current and prospective Cub Scouts and their parents are invited to attend as we celebrate with a Jamboree-style weekend of camping, activities, and fun. Activities include fishing, archery, trail riding/mountain biking, an obstacle course, and more! Saturday night will include a spectacular arena show!

This year the C5 event (Chester County Council Cub Camporee) moves to Hibernia as part of the 100th Anniversary Camporee. C5 at the Camporee will include games, activities, outdoor learning, team-building, crafts, and camping sleepover.

Cub Scouts check-in and tent setup is from 11 AM – 1 PM on Saturday, October 26, 2019 (please eat lunch before arrival) and activities will take place from 1-6PM. Dinner will be served Saturday, followed by evening arena show and a campout. Breakfast will be served Sunday morning.

Bring your own tent and join us overnight to get your overnight camping requirement! (Over-night camping is not required)

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$30.00 per Adult
$30.00 per Cub Scout
$30.00 per Other children

Early Discount

Before 9/15/2019 a discount of $5.00 will apply to all Adult Registrants.
Before 9/15/2019 a discount of $5.00 will apply to all Cub Scout Registrants.
Before 9/15/2019 a discount of $5.00 will apply to all Other children Registrants.
Before 9/15/2019 a discount of $5.00 will apply to all Youth interested in Joining Registrants.

All current and hopeful Cub Scouts and their parents are invited to attend!

This year the annual Chester County Council Cub Camporee (C5) will again be held at the centrally located Paradise Farm Camps in East Bradford. All current and hopeful Cub Scouts and their parents are invited to attend! C5 will include games, activities, outdoor learning, team-building, crafts, and camping sleepover.

Checkin and tent setup is from 11- 1 p.m. on Saturday, October 13th (please eat lunch before arrival) and activities will take place from 1-6 p.m. Dinner will be served Saturday, followed by campfire ceremony and a campout. Breakfast will be served the next morning and the event will conclude after an exciting Orienteering Competition around the Paradise Farm grounds.

Bring your own tent and join us overnight to get your overnight camping requirement!

Possible Activities

  • Archery
  • Slingshot Paintball
  • Bottle Rockets
  • BB Range
  • Games
  • Kickball
  • Frisbee Golf
  • Ladderball
  • Cornhole
  • Team Building
  • Woodshop – Birdhouses
  • Leatherworking
  • Making Gliders
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Campfire
  • Movie Night
  • …and more!

More Information:

All current and hopeful Cub Scouts and their parents are invited to attend!

This year the annual Chester County Council Cub Camporee (C5) will again be held at the centrally located Paradise Farm Camps in East Bradford. All current and hopeful Cub Scouts and their parents are invited to attend! C5 will include games, activities, outdoor learning, team-building, crafts, and camping sleepover.

Checkin and tent setup is from 11- 1 p.m. on Saturday, October 14, 2017 (please eat lunch before arrival) and activities will take place from 1-6 p.m. Dinner will be served Saturday, followed by campfire ceremony and a campout. Breakfast will be served the next morning and the event will conclude after an exciting Orienteering Competition around the Paradise Farm grounds.

Bring your own tent and join us overnight to get your overnight camping requirement!

Possible Activities

  • Archery
  • Slingshot Paintball
  • Bottle Rockets
  • BB Range
  • Games
  • Kickball
  • Frisbee Golf
  • Ladderball
  • Cornhole
  • Team Building
  • Woodshop – Birdhouses
  • Leatherworking
  • Making Gliders
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Campfire
  • Movie Night
  • …and more!

More Information:

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Upcoming Events

  1. Ashland Nature Center – Overnight

    March 15 @ 5:00 pm - March 16 @ 11:00 am
  2. March Pack Meeting

    March 21 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
  3. Pack Committee Meeting (April)

    April 1 @ 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
  4. April Pack Meeting

    April 11 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
  5. Pack Committee Meeting (May)

    May 6 @ 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm