Scouting For Food Archives - Cub Pack 110

The Scout Law states that “A Scout is Helpful”. By participating in a Scouting for Food program, Scouts come a step closer to fulfilling those words. In Chester County Council, packs, troops, and crews are involved with hundreds of Scouts to collect food and distribute to their local hungry neighbors.

The campaign in Chester County runs from Saturday, November 5th – when the Scouts place door hangers on their neighbors’ doors – to Saturday, November 19th when they return to those same homes and pick up the donations. In past years grocery bags were provided. Bags are not being provided this year. To aide in the borough’s initiative to eliminate single use plastic bags, the door tags direct folks to place their donations into a recycled bag or box, attach the door hanger, and place their donation in view of the street.

Below are 5 steps to making the donation drive a success:

1. Find the Donation Tags you received at the October Pack Meeting.
2. Record the pick up date on the bottom of the tags – November 19th
3. With your Scout in uniform, distribute door hangers in your neighborhood (take note of the homes you visit, this will come in handy for pick-up)
4. Return on pick-up day and collect donations
5. November 19* – Drop off all donations collected at the Cook Household – 1102 Carroll Hill Drive. from 10a.m. – 4 p.m. Donations will be consolidated prior to drop-off at the West Chester Food Cupboard.

*If you’re not around on the 19th, and you need to set your pick-up date to November 12, please adjust the pick up date accordingly on your tags and contact Andrew Cook at 717-405-1996 to arrange delivery.

Our council goal is to pack our truck all the way to the roof!
Door hangers are available NOW at PARC, or contact Cubmaster Beam at

The Scout Law states that “A Scout is Helpful”. By participating in a Scouting for Food program, Scouts come a step closer to fulfilling those words. In Chester County Council, packs, troops, and crews are involved with hundreds of Scouts to collect food and distribute to their local hungry neighbors.

The campaign in Chester County runs from Saturday, November 13th when the Scouts drop off bags on their neighbors’ doors, to Saturday, November 20th when they return to those same homes and pick up the bags.

This year’s Scouting for Food is taking on a new look! In partnership with the Chester County Food Bank, we will have a centralized drop off location at PARC on November 20th. Our council goal is to pack our truck all the way to the roof!
Bags and door hangers are available NOW at PARC, or contact Cubmaster Beam at
Central bag collection will be from 10am to 5pm on November 20th at PARC.

The Scout Law states that “A Scout is Helpful”. By participating in a Scouting for Food program, Scouts come a step closer to fulfilling those words. In Chester County Council, packs, troops, and crews are involved with hundreds of Scouts to collect food and distribute to their local hungry neighbors.

The campaign in Chester County runs from Saturday, November 16th when the Scouts drop off bags on their neighbors’ doors, to Saturday, November 23rd when they return to those same homes and pick up the bags. Once the bags have been picked up, count the total items and report the totals to Lauren Buckalew, then deliver them to a local agency that feeds the hungry in our community.

Pack 110 will deliver all of our collected food to the West Chester Salvation Army located at 101 E Market Street, West Chester, PA (Market & Walnut across from Mas restaurant – NOT the Salvation Army store).  Any scouts interested are welcome to spend some time at the Salvation Army location to help bring in and sort food donations.

We also encourage Scouts to include the bag letter with their donation bags to let people know where the bags are coming from and explain the purpose of the food drive.

The Scout Law states that the “A Scout is Helpful”. By participating in a Scouting for Food program, Scouts come a step closer to fulfilling those words. In Chester County Council, packs, troops, and crews are involved with hundreds of Scouts to collect food and distribute to their local hungry neighbors.

The campaign in Chester County runs from the 2nd Saturday in November (11/10/2018) when the Scouts drop off bags on their neighbors doors, to the 3rd Saturday in November (11/17/2018) when they return to those same homes and pick up the bags. Once the bags have been picked up, count the total items and report the totals to Lauren Buckalew, then deliver them to a local agency that feeds the hungry in our community.

Pack 110 will deliver all of our collected food to the West Chester Salvation Army located at 101 E Market Street, West Chester, PA (Market & Walnut across from Mas restaurant – NOT the Salvation Army store next to Rubinstein’s).  Any scouts interested are welcome to spend some time at the Salvation Army location to help bring in and sort food donations.

We also encourage Scouts to include the bag letter with their donation bags to let people know where the bags are coming from and explain purpose of the food drive.

The Scout Law states that the “A Scout is Helpful”. By participating in a Scouting for Food program, Scouts come a step closer to fulfilling those words. In Chester County Council, packs, troops, and crews are involved with hundreds of Scouts to collect food and distribute to their local hungry neighbors.

The campaign in Chester County runs from the 2nd Saturday in November (11/11/2017) when the Scouts drop off bags on their neighbors doors, to the 3rd Saturday in November (11/18/2017) when they return to those same homes and pick up the bags. Once the bags have been picked up, count the total items and report the totals to Lauren Buckalew, then deliver them to a local agency that feeds the hungry in our community.

Pack 110 will deliver all of our collected food to the West Chester Salvation Army located at 101 E Market Street, West Chester, PA (Market & Walnut across from Mas restaurant – NOT the Salvation Army store next to Rubinstein’s).  Any scouts interested are welcome to spend some time at the Salvation Army location to help bring in and sort food donations.

We also encourage Scouts to include the bag letter with their donation bags to let people know where the bags are coming from and explain purpose of the food drive.

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Upcoming Events

  1. Ashland Nature Center – Overnight

    March 15 @ 5:00 pm - March 16 @ 11:00 am
  2. March Pack Meeting

    March 21 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
  3. Pack Committee Meeting (April)

    April 1 @ 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
  4. April Pack Meeting

    April 11 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
  5. Pack Committee Meeting (May)

    May 6 @ 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm